Due to the incredible outpouring of love and support for the Fredeen Family during this time, we have started this blog to help provide information to family and friends.

The Friends and Family of the Fredeens thank you on behalf of the Fredeen Family for your incredible generosity and overwhelming support.

Please click on the links below to access pages related to the memorial services, monetary donations, hotels/lodging, and photo sharing.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dinner Calendar Now Open

The Santa Barbara Junior High School and the Goleta Valley Nursery School communities are now accepting dinner delivery sign ups on their web calendar.  The calendar can be accessed at carecalendar.org and the security code is 8597.

The Fredeens have no allergy issues and they feel blessed to receive all types of meals Monday through Thursday.

If you have any questions, please email Susan Becchio at sbecchio@cox.net.

Once again, thank you for all your support.  The Fredeens have really been enjoying the ease of meal time!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Big, Big Thank Yous and Gratitude Goes Out To...

...the following people and organizations who made Nina's special day at the zoo possible. We couldn't have done it without you. So, in no particular order, THANK YOU TO

All the family and friends who donated money specifically for this event
Santa Barbara Zoo
Rincon Catering
AMS Entertainment
Whole Foods
Anna's Bakery
Kacie Jean Photography
Just Shoot Me Photography
Gina Maxine Photography
And the following people who gave their time and enthusiastic energy the day of the event:
Holly Richard
Susan Bechio
Nicole Katz
Anne Baltzer
Gladys Manrique
Dorrey Sproatt (and her mom, Debbie)
Raya Hayes-Mora
Melissa LaRochelle
Sunny Kim (and Tony)
Nate Kirby
Catie Chase
Amber Baker
Justine Meador
Nikki Storbakken
Dominique Strauss
Rebecca Doggett
Chelsea Nagata
Marla Pontrelli
Elaine Mallari
Greg Lyons
Mario Bucio
Jenny Passwater
Gwen Stephens
Lizzie Ponder
Santiago Cardenas
Whitney Smith
Gus Detar
Morgan Luria
Vivian Rodriguez

We apologize if we missed anyone on this list. Thank you all!!!