Due to the incredible outpouring of love and support for the Fredeen Family during this time, we have started this blog to help provide information to family and friends.

The Friends and Family of the Fredeens thank you on behalf of the Fredeen Family for your incredible generosity and overwhelming support.

Please click on the links below to access pages related to the memorial services, monetary donations, hotels/lodging, and photo sharing.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Thank You for Your Prayers and Support

On behalf of the Fredeen family, thank you to all of you who have reached out by giving of your time & resources, by sending donations, or by sending a message of love, prayer and hope. It is truly appreciated!
Please do not hesitate to contact those of us listed here on the blog for questions, suggestions or ideas.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Special Message to the Kellogg Elementary Community

We find ourselves fortunate to interact with Teddy, and at least one of his parents, on almost a daily basis.  As such, we would like to ask you to read Rosy's post regarding Loving Teddy.  This will give you a good idea of how the Fredeens would like you and your children to interact with Teddy on campus.  We would like to reiterate, that the Fredeens would appreciate it if you could refrain from crying in front of the kids (both theirs and the school children) and try to minimize burdening them with your grief.

In addition, you may find yourself not quite sure how to interact with Rosy and Todd while on campus.  Based on our discussions with them, we believe the best thing for you to do is to let them know you care and support them by giving them a quick hug, or even better, a hand squeeze and then move on.  If you are going to stick around, please keep the conversation light or off topic.  We know it can be difficult, but keep the tears to a minimum.  The Fredeens are in a fragile place right now and they are not really up to the task of becoming a caregiver to those grieving around them.  If you anticipate that you will be unable to interact without crying, the Fredeens will understand if you need to walk away or bow out of an invitation and ask that it would be best if you try again at a later time.  They would like the campus to be a happy place to be as they drop off and pick up Teddy.

Please read the blogs for updates and to find answers to any questions you might have. Feel free to send kind words, via email (prayingfornina@gmail.com), or comment directly on the Praying for Nina blog.  Also, please contact the individuals on the sidebar should you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, or ideas.

And lastly, we would also appreciate it if you would direct others to the Praying For Nina and Friends of the Fredeen Family blogs, as a first point of contact.

Thank you in advance for all your support and understanding.